Poison Free Pest Control

Encountering rodents in your home, business, or other indoor spaces can be stressful and uncomfortable. But wildlife-killing rodenticides aren’t a long-term solution to rodent problems. 

To thrive indoors, all rodents need an access route and a source of food. As long as these factors remain, more rodents will keep returning to indoor spaces, regardless of how many are poisoned. And since individual rodents typically have a range of one city block, poisoning rodents in one building won’t keep others from coming back. 

Exclude Rodents 

Rodents fit through holes as small as a quarter. To keep them out of your space: 

  • Seal any holes in roofs, basements, crawlspaces, and walls 

  • Use wire mesh extending partially into the ground to block off spaces under porches 

  • Seal opening around cables, pipes, and wires where they enter your space 

Remove Food Sources 

Rodents will eat almost anything. To starve them out of your space: 

  • Never leave pet food out for prolonged periods 

  • If you feed birds, only use small amounts of seed at a time, bring in feeders at night, and pick up fallen seed 

  • Harvest all food in gardens quickly 

  • Keep garbage cans securely covered 

Target Remaining Rodents 

Without food or access, rodents won’t last long. If you must get rid of remaining rodents quickly, consider non-poison methods:

  • Snap-traps: be sure to only use snap traps where they cannot be accessed by children, pets, or other wild animals. 

  • Electronic traps: electronic traps instantly and painlessly kill rodents without harming other animals. 

  • Rodent contraceptives: Products that reduce rodents’ fertility, reducing their populations gradually over time. 

  • CO₂ Traps: These traps immediately and painlessly kill rodents by suffocating them with sudden bursts of CO₂ once they enter traps 

Never use glue traps—they trap rodents without killing them, causing immense suffering, and often capture birds and other animals. For more information, check out these resources from Raptors are the Solution.