Help us protect the beautiful wildlife in Lincoln, MA. Let’s end the use of Second Generaton anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs).

Raptors, foxes, coyotes, and other predators keep our ecosystems in balance. But rodent poisons—specifically second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs)—harm thousands of these creatures in Massachusetts each year after they eat poisoned rodents. SGARs can also harm children and pets who eat the poison itself. 

How SGARs Poison our Wildlife and Communities 

Although pest control professionals use SGARS to target mice and rats, these deadly poisons move throughout the food chain, with destructive consequences to the entire ecosystem. 

SGARs work slowly, so after ingesting bait, a rodent may live for several days, during which time it becomes more vulnerable to predators and scavengers. When a predator eats a poisoned rodent, SGARs pass into its own organs in a process known as “secondary poisoning.” Just like a rodent that has ingested SGARs, a predator that consumes enough poisoned rodents will develop serious internal bleeding, leading to serious illness or death.  

In recent years, researchers have documented an alarming number of predators sickened and killed by SGARS. Veterinarians at the New England Wildlife Centers report treating hundreds of poisoned raptors, foxes, and coyotes each year. 

What alternatives to SGARs?can you and others in Lincoln use?

The only way to permanently keep rodents out of an indoor space is through a process called integrated pest management—a combined approach of removing food sources, closing access routes, and killing or removing any remaining rodents.  

The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time.

-Terry Tempest Williams

Upcoming Events

Save Lincoln Wildlife Zoom Meeting Details: Monday, April 7th, 12-1PM

Learn what Save Lincoln Wildlife is planning! Potential initiatives include urging local businesses to adopt safer rodent control methods, creating educational materials, and exploring a citizens petition for the 2026 Town Meeting. 

Zoom Info here:

Meeting ID: 975 9943 4908

Passcode: 584747


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